Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Who is This Guy?

Who should I use to help me find the perfect farm for me?  What return on investment can I expect?  Where are the best deals to find?  When is a good time to buy farm land?  Why should I buy farm land and not invest in the stock market?  How can I find a trust worthy farmer?

These are common questions we at Rural Kansas City get from new investors.  With this blog I hope to answer these questions and answer much more.  My name is Brad Gaughan senior partner of Rural Kansas City.  First off I know the most important question going on in your mind is, How the heck do you pronounce that boys last name?  Just to avoid future confusion my last name is pronounced like gone.  Think of it like the more common last name Vaughan.  Just substitute the G for the V and away you go.
Now that we have that out of the way, the next question would be, why should I listen to this guy.  For one I have lived all over the Midwest.  From Iowa, Nebraska, Michigan, Kansas to Missouri.  I have worked in the agriculture business for the last five years helping investors find farm land that will make a good return.  And, I’m just one heck of a guy.

The gist of this blog is to inform you of what’s going in today’s farming industry and investing.  I will cover what I think is important and you need to know.  I will do my best to explain things in the farming industry in laymen’s term.  Because, believe it or not, farming information and factors can sometimes sound like a different language.  And I invite you to email me any questions you might have.  And don’t be afraid to ask a silly question.  Odds are someone else sitting in same boat as you has the same questions.  My job here is to inform the uniformed and I truly believe there is no substitute for information.

So fire away with any questions and comments and lets have fun exploring different aspects of the farming industry.  And hopefully you come away with a better understanding and become a more informed investor of farming.

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