Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Your Personal Goals

How to operate and own a farm may not be the same from one owner to the next.  You may have different ideas of what you want you farm to look like, produce or you may have long term goals.  Here are some of the different ways a farm can be operated and managed.

Generate Income

There are many different ways to do this.  You could farm it yourself.  Under this you would be the operator, assume all the risks but reap all the rewards.  You could custom farm it.  Here you pay someone a fee to farm it but you take in all the rewards but assume all the risk.  You could share crop it.  Usually this is a 1/3 to 2/3 split.  Meaning you would put in 1/3 of the cost of fertilizer and other cost and you would reap 1/3 of the profits.  The farmer would get the rest.  Finally you could cash rent it.  This the safest way to do it.  You rent the land out to a farmer who pays you an agreed upon amount.  He then takes all the risks and rewards.

Maintain Family Legacy

Perhaps you're thinking the long game here.  Maybe you want something to pass down to your children or grandchildren to help secure their financial future.  There are ways to do this.  Often times it's done through a will.  I will go into this in much more detail in later posts.  But this is something many people do and are interested in.

Make Improvements

Are you willing to put in the money to make your farm more profitable?  What are the improvements I'm talking about?  Things like terracing, removing timber, shrubs or leaves and adding irrigation are just some ideas.  This would be something you should consult with your farmer on.  He'll know whether or not it's worth doing or not.

Manage Income

How hands on do you want to be?  Some people are just fine with handle all the farm finances.  Others just want to get there check and call it good.  Folks who like to do that should consider hiring a farm manager.  They'll keep an eye on your farm and your income.  This way you don't have to worry whether or not your being cheated.

Maximize Income

If you're an astute farmland owner you probably already have a grasp on this.  Two things can really help you maximize your farm.  First, and most importantly, find a trust worthy farmer.  This is so important.  If you have a farmer that's treating you fair and has a good track record of such, take care of him.  Your farmer is your gateway to success.  Another idea is to hire a farm manager.  They make sure the farmer is putting in fertilizer when needed, planting when needed, harvesting when needed and many other things.  If you are uncomfortable with your situation, this is the best way to ease your mind.

How Do I Feel About Risk?

Some people love to gamble.  Others like to play it close to the vest.  Run your farm how you feel comfortable.  Remember, it's your farm.  So run it how you see fit.  If you like the idea of the gamble and putting some skin in the game, go ahead and custom farm it.  If you like getting a check on the first of the year and being done with it, then cash rent it.  Let the farm match your personality and you'll be a whole lot happier with it.

Do I Want To Add To My Farm?

This is where you decide if you want to just own one farm or do you want to expand your business.  Here you're doing good.  You understand the industry and you feel comfortable with your farmer.  Why not expand your farming business.  You could just buy more land out right.  Or you could flip the land you currently have to buy a much larger tract.  There's no reason you should stop at one farm once you are comfortable financially and personally with the farming business.

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