Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Crop Exports

USDA has reported that corn exports have come in much higher than expected.  Soybeans remained about the same and wheat came in below expectations.

Wheat came in about 10 million bushels lower than last week.  However, with how good wheat came in the week before so I wouldn't worry too much about these numbers.

Corn is up over 8 million higher than the week before of around 19 million.  Right now the total is almost double what is what last year.

Soybeans came about 2 million less than a week ago.  But it's up almost 9 million than the year before.

While this had varied from week to week, what we've been seeing is a very strong year in crop production.  None of this is a shock but is much welcomed news after the last couple years.  And with what appears to be a good wet winter we may be looking at another strong year in crop production.

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