Friday, March 21, 2014

Treat Your Soybean Seeds

Don't think of seed treatment as an input cost.  Think of it as an investment.  It's really only a small investment you have to make to ensure your beans are taken care of.  For example, it takes less than a bushel of soybeans to pay for the treatment.

Wet soils that are poorly drained promotes the development of fungal and cause seedling diseases, which slows germination and plant growth.  You will waste less seeds, see more stands, resulting in a better yield and eventually a increase on your return of investment.

While there are many different seed treatment products out there, I highly suggest using Latham Hi-Tech Seeds signature Soy Shield Plus, which has fungicide and insecticide.  It protects seeds from disease and insect damage for around 30 days.  This time frame is longer than most other seed treatments and usually covers the window needed for seedlings to grow.

Soy Shield Plus has a fungicide combination that protects against soil born diseases.  Diseases such as Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia.  It also provides health benefits that for increased germination.

Some seed treatments that could protect nematodes, which are becoming more prevalent.  Many fully loaded treatments contain innoculants, micronutrients or plant foods.  For more info go to Latham Hi-Tech Seeds website.

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