Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Farm Gold Rush Is Coming!

Farmers Are Getting Older

Are farmers getting older?  Yes they are.  Why is that?  It's not what you think.  Farmers are getting older but it's not because they have to keep working.  They are sitting on a gold mine and they know it.  Farmers are getting older because they see the prices skyrocketing.  Analysis predict at some point prices will drop back to normal rates.  Instead of raising 20% each year, in the next couple of years we should see prices raise around 5% each year.

So, what does this have to do with farmers getting older?  They see the same thing we do.  Many farmers are waiting to see where this ends.  They want to cash out at the highest possible rate they can get.  And that is coming soon.  A farm gold rush may be upon us in the next few years.  

What will that do to the market?  It should become highly competitive.  Which could spell good news for buyers.  When there is a lot of inventory in the market, sellers will compete for buyers.  That day may be coming soon.

Sounds Like a Bubble

Now I understand that this sounds familiar to some of you.  The idea of more inventory than buyers sounds a lot like the housing market bubble burst.  However, remember most farmland is being bought cash.  For a bubble like the housing market to exist you need it to be driven by debt.  And for the farmland market to crash we would have to have a global event take place like the embargo against Russia in the early 80's.

So a farmland gold rush is coming!  This I have no doubt.  Be prepared.  Be informed.  We can help you with that.  Call us at 913-837-4665 or email us at info@ruralkc.com.  Talk with one of us and get on our email alerts to stay up to date.  Don't be left behind.  Because the farmland gold rush is coming.

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