Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Avoid Being Nickled and Dimed


Treatment is cheap.  But treatment upon treatment upon treatment isn't.  For example, let's say you need to spray lime on to your farm.  Let's go ahead and assume that $5 per acre.  Not bad.  Now, a couple weeks later you need some boron.  That's $5 per acre.  Ok fine.  Still not bad.  But let's say every few weeks you need to apply something else.  Before you know it you've spent $50,000 dollars on applications.

Soil Health

How do you avoid this problem?  Improve your soil health.  The problem we face is that we may have highly productive soils but along the way the soil becomes degraded.  The goal should be to improve and maintain the soils health without having to spend all that money on applications.


The key is to do almost no-till crops.  The reason the phrase almost no-till is used is because you would have to do some form of irrigation.  You would have to dig a trench so the water can go from the crown of the field to the lower end.

Cover Crops

Cover crops will helps your soil from drying up as well.  They will reduce the stress on your plants.  Best of all, it will help maintain more moisture from infrequent Summer rains.  The trick is to make Mother Nature to work for you.

For more information on this go to Delta Farm Press

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