Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What To Do With Uninsured Crops

The non-insured crop disaster assistance program (NAP) is a federally funded program that helps producers reduce their risk when growing foods and fiber crops, specialty crops and crops for livestock feed.  These benefits are only available for crops for which the catastrophic level of crop insurance is not available.  Application for coverage must be filed by the applicable crops application closing date.

Production levels for all crops must be reported to the FSA no later than the acreage reporting date for the crop the following year.  FSA requires any production reported in a loss year be verifiable according to Agency specifications.  NAP losses must be reported within 15 days of the loss became apparent.

All applications for NAP payment must be signed by the subsequent crop year's acreage reporting date in order to be considered timely.  There are no late file provisions for NAP applications for payment.

Contact your local FSA County Office for more information on the NAP program and for NAP application closing dates for specific crops.

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