Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Who Are the Buyers and Sellers?

Who's Selling Farmland?

That is a good question to ask.  With everything going so well, why would someone want to sell there land and who are they?  The answer makes a whole lot of sense.  Without a doubt the number one seller in today's land market is estate sells.  The land has been left to heirs and they just want to make there money on the sale and have no interest in the land.  

The second is private owners.  By this I mean investors such as yourself.  To them it's a business decision and these tend to be the easiest deals out there because, either the numbers are right and everyone's happy or they are not and no sale happens.  

The third is retired farmers looking to cash out.  This is the typical saying you'll hear in the farming industry, "Farmers live poor and die rich."

Who's Buying Farmland?

Far and away the biggest buyers in the industry are local farmers.  They tend to know in advance what land is going to be available and often buy it without it ever hitting the market.  This is one of the biggest reasons we try to utilize local farmer knowledge about what's going on in the market.  They are able to turn us onto deals before most of the general public is aware of it.  

The second biggest buyers are institutions.  Such as cooperations.  However, only some states allow.  Iowa, Kansas and Missouri do not allow big cooperations to buy cropland.

The third largest is local investors.  These are the type of clients Rural KC tends to work with.  What we do is try to use local farmer knowledge to help the local investor reach the information they have.  The best way to buy land is to buy it before it comes onto the market.  And with our network of local farmers we feel we have achieved that ability.  

Don't hesitate to call or email us at Rural KC with any questions.  Call us at 913-837-4665 or email us at info@ruralkc.com

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