Friday, August 30, 2013

So Now You're Ready

So Now You're Ready to Look

How much land is available?  Well, if you're related to a farmer or a friend of a farmer then a lot of land is available.  I'm going to assume most of you aren't related or a friend of a farmer.  So, what does that mean for you?

Only 1% of the total amount of cropland is sold each year.  Most of that land never makes it to the market.  Why?  It's sold to family or friends of the farmer.  People living in or associated with the community the farm is located tend to get first crack at it.

This puts non-local investors at a major disadvantage in acquiring the best farmland.  Less than 1/2 of 1% of all US cropland is available for public purchase.  Which should lead you to the next question.  How do you sort this all out?  How do you access the best farmland which usually never makes it to the public market?

There are three parties to the sale.  There is the seller which can be a farmer, investor or estate.  The investor which tends to be someone from out of town looking to expand their portfolio.  And the renter who is also the farmer.  The renter is what we need to help us out.  The right renter will help you balance out all these issues.
What can that farmer do for you specifically?  Look for that in my next post. :)

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