Friday, September 20, 2013

Unique Midwest Opportunity

A Unique Opportunity

We at Rural KC truly believe we live in the hot spot of cropland.  Right along the Kansas Missouri border.  Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri present special investment opportunities.  These two states are currently undervalued as compared to their productive capability.  Missouri in particular offers two advantages for first time cropland investors.

Missouri has a culture of cash rent as compared to a share crop culture such as Kansas.  Missouri also has a free capture on water for irrigation.  That means any water on, borders or adjacent to the property can be use for irrigation.  In Kansas you have to get permits to use water and usually you have a limit in the amount.

However, for the more seasoned and aggressive investor, Kansas may be the one for you.  Share cropping is the norm in that side of the border.  If you feel comfortable enough and willing to take the risks, Kansas provides that option to you.

The Efficiency of Farmland

Let's compare Iowa to Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri.  In Iowa per acre you can get 280 bushels per acre with a rent of $450 per acre.  That would make your return on investment 4.5% at a per acre cost of $10,000.  Now let's compare that to Kansas/Missouri.  You would get 170 bushels per acre with a rent of $110 to $350 per acre.  That would bring in a return on investment of 4% to 5% at a per acre cost of $5,000 to $2,500.  Based on comparative production of bushels, per acre cost in Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri would be $6,072.

Common Mistake

There are many things we hear over and over again in our industry from buyers.  But by far this is the most common thing we hear.  "I had a chance to buy that for $_____ back in _____ and didn't do it.  I'm still kicking myself."  Do yourself a favor, don't be that guy.  We can help you avoid that.  Call us at 913-837-4665 or email us at

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