Friday, November 15, 2013

Other Considerations

More Things To Consider

This is an addition to my previous post about things you need to consider when buying and operation farmland.  First thing is improvements.


Sometimes a farm just needs some work to make it better.  You may need to remove some trees or water ways.  You may need to add some phosphate to it.  Or, like these pictures indicate, you may add some irrigation system or need to have it terraced.  Now I wouldn't think you would have to go to this extreme as shown but I wanted you to see what I meant when I said terraced.  Why would you have to terrace?  It keeps water from flowing too freely on your land and washing away the soil.  It also allows to the land to soak up more water.  Also, it's one of the main reasons we should never see a dust bowl incident like in the 1930's

Operators in the Area

 As with everything we do here this is the most important step.  Finding a local farmer in the area.  You need to find a farmer you trust.  And that is the key.  That is what we at Rural KC will do for you.  We have a network of farmers in and around the Kansas City area that we have developed a working relationship with and trust.  What these farmers do for us is identify good ground.  Either ground we've brought to them or ground they've found.  Then they will give us what they believe a good bid will be.  We only work with farmers that keep the investor in mind.  They understand you need to make your money too.  So when they bring a bid to us they are trying to make it work for everyone.


It's your farm.  It's your business.  Treat it like one.  Treat your farmer and your farm manager, if you choose to use one, fairly.  If you do those things then you'll be successful in the farming business.

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