Friday, November 1, 2013

What's the Rent?

Cash Rent Ranges

It's a common question I get often.  And I get it often from people emailing me from this blog.  It's not an easy question to answer.  Each farm is different.  Each region is different.  Each state is different.  And each farmers and owners goal is different.  So what I'm going to give you is a wide range of possibilities for the states of Kansas and Missouri.  Since those are the states I'm most familiar with.


Dry land in Kansas tends to run from $40 to $200 per acre.  Irrigated ground where the owner owns all the equipment is usually $250 to $300 per acre.  Irrigated ground where the owner owns only the well tends to run $200 to $250 per acre.  Land that is gravity irrigated is around $150 to $200 per acre.  And pasture ground ranges from $4 to $26 per acre.


Dry land in western Missouri is usually $75 to $200 per acre.  Irrigated ground where the owner owns all the equipment usually is between $150 to $300 per acre.  Irrigated ground where the owner owns the well only runs from $100 to $200 per acre.  Gravity irrigated land runs $100 to $200 per acre.  Pasture ground runs from $10 to $50 per acre.  While I'm not so confident in eastern Missouri I'll give a vague estimate.  Land usually runs around $150 to $275 per acre.

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