Friday, May 9, 2014

New Ag Technology

Farmers are constantly coming up with new ways to use technology to help them improve yields and become more productive.  What are the new gadgets on the market?  Here are the top five according to Delta Farm Press.

  1. Free NozzleCalc app from Greenleaf - This app improves your efficiency in spraying your crops.  All you have to do is input what you want and you are assured you'll get the right amount every time.
  2. Ag Weed ID mobile app - If you're in the field and need to know what weed you've spotted and dealing with, this handy app will help you out.  No more trying to remember or taking pictures and comparing them in the office or home.  You can identify the weed and deal with it much faster now.
  3. Novariant's Simple Steer - This is high precision auto steer technology.  Will improve you ability to stay accurate in your driving and improve your efficiency in the field.
  4. Apply Yourself app - This app takes all the guess work out of selecting and calibrating an injection pump.  It come pre-loaded with all sorts of different injection pumps to suit your needs.
  5. New Planting Calculators from DuPont - DuPont as come up with three great planting calculators.  The first one is the online Planter Setting Calculator.  You can get customized setting from just putting in your planter type and seed batch ID.  The second is Pioneer Field360 Plantability App.  This app offers recommendations after you scan the barcode on their Pioneer brand corn and sunflower seed tags.  The third is the Pioneer Planting Rate Estimator.  This helps you estimate an optimum planting rate for your crops based on their yield history.
These are just a few of the new technology products on the market available to farmers.  There are more I'm sure but these seem to be the best and most productive apps out there.

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