Friday, May 30, 2014

Pesticide Looneys and Conspiracy Theorist

Recently, Delta Farm Press wrote an article debunking many myths surrounding pesticides and GMO crops.  Of course they were ready for some responses from the community on this subject.  To see some of the responses click here.

Now think a little about what was said.  The only logical conclusion is that these people haven't done their research.  Instead of getting their facts and thinking about it logically, they responded with emotion.  Let's take a look at some of these responses and clear some things up.

One person wrote, "China, who purchases a large quantity of corn, has refused to purchase this year because of its GMO status.  Now farmers who have these crops are (affected) because they can't sell them.  The current battle now is should these seed companies be held liable because farmers can't sell them.  It all goes back to pesticides.  Research GMO and the companies that make them.  Your point of view is misinformed.  Do some research."

According to the USDA, which anyone can look up, overall US corn exports has increased by 300 million bushels since the beginning of the year.  And farmers don't trade their products with foreign nations.  Traders do that.

Then their's this.  "It would seem that ignoring the scientific evidence of the impact to humans from endocrine disrupting ag chemicals, that ignoring the scientific research showing the impact on humans from the cancers and immune diseases these and other ag chemicals cause and even ignoring the yield data, showing NO yield increases and in most cases LOWER yields from GMO crops you, the Penton Press Group continue to further the agenda of corporate chemical America.  It is sad ... and criminal.  But congratulations are in order:  you are now fully, legally, accomplices to their crime."

There is no evidence that if you use crop protection products properly that any of what this reader brings up would happen.  Also, to suggest standard practices in farming is somehow illegal is beyond the pale.

What would happen if we band GMO's and pesticides?  Sit back and think before reacting to that question.  Farmers work with a horribly tight deadline to feed the world.  To sustain humanity day upon day, year after year, decade after decade.  They have to deal with changing and unpredictable weather and now growing radicalism and regulation.

What would happen?  Millions would starve to death and global wars would break out.  What sounds more criminal to you?

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