Friday, January 3, 2014

Farmland Pollution Problem in China

If you've been paying attention to news in farming recently you've heard about what's been going on in China.  According to the Huffington Post More than 8 million acres of Chinese farmland is now too polluted to farm.  

Recently there have been problems with tainted rice and crops in China.  The Chinese government tried to hide this but it was too obvious they had an issue.  

It's unclear how much farmland exactly is polluted.  The estimates vary from only 2% of the 337 million acres of farmland, which is what the government says, to as high as 60 million acres.  The truth is probably somewhere in the middle but the gap is massive so who knows what issues China is really facing.

What's caused this?  It's a number of things.  The growth of the Chinese industry, overuse of chemicals and little to no oversight on environmental issues.

To get more information on this click on the link below to go to the Huffington Post article on the issue.

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