Friday, January 10, 2014

Piecing Together a Commodity Marketing Plan

What Affects The Market?

A handful of things really affect the commodity market.  

USDA Reports

USDA reports can really dictate what the next year or so could look like for the farming business.

Foreign Economies

For example, what happens in say Greece with all their economic woes can affect commodities we export out.  Also, China is a big exporter for us.  If that economy falls apart we would feel it as well.

Managed Commodity Funds

The market will react to these as well.  These are really where we see the numbers and how the prices in the market will be adjusted.

World Events

To really truly hurt the farming market a global event has to take place.  Such as an embargo or a third world war.  But little ones like economic woes of Europe can be felt here.


A few years ago we went through a pretty long drought.  It was actually getting scary.  But like most things the weather came back to the median.  However, that drought really affected prices.  Drove them through the roof.  So weather is something to keep an eye on when thinking about the market.

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