Friday, January 17, 2014

Wheat Exports

Wheat needed a little help to meet what the USDA estimated it would make.  That help came from abroad.  According to Brownfield Ag News for America Egypt bought 60,000 tons of US soft red winter out of 300,000 tons.  Japan bought 29,000 tons of US dark northern spring and 20,800 tons of US hard red winter wheat.  South Korea's Nonghyup Feed Inc. bought 65,000 tons of optional origin feed wheat and Jordan purchased 50,000 tons of optional origin wheat.

Also, according to Reuters, Strategie Grains lowered its 2014 European Union soft wheat production estimate to 137.7 million tons.  Up 2% from 2013, but down from the 138 million tons estimated in December stemming from concerns about the crops in Great Britain and Bulgaria.

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